2-Day Training Course
Course description:
This course is aimed at developers of electronic products who need to meet the full requirements of IEC 61508-2 including the reliability analysis and derivation of all parameters to demonstrate safety integrity level (SIL) capability.
The course also shows how to meet the requirements for the lifecycle, techniques and measures from IEC 61508-2 including aspects from Part 1 of the standard that are relevant to product manufacturers such as functional safety management.
The theory is applied through exercises and case studies to ensure the learning has a strong practical element which builds the candidates confidence. Frequent Q&A sessions are included for clarification.
The course concludes with a brief overview of the UK regulatory framework and the various approaches used to demonstrate conformity to the standards.
A comprehensive training manual is provided for each attendee together with a certificate of attendance for personnel training records.
Target audience:
Design engineers who are responsible for the development, analysis and testing of electrical and electronic products and functional safety equipment. The course will also be suitable for technical managers and quality engineers responsible for product development and reliability processes.
Paul Reeve CEng FInstMC MIET is a Registered Functional Safety Engineer with the Institute of Measurement & Control and has been delivering FS courses to product manufacturers around the world for over 14 years.
Course Outline
Day 1
Day 2
FOR PRICES & AVAILABILITY CONTACT: info@silmetric.com +44(0)1244 457 671